Thursday, July 29, 2010

After much sweat and nail biting I finished my Dedication and Acknowledgement page. I sent it to my editor (e-mail). He thanked me for it so I guess it sounded okay to him. He said he hired a new editor, I hope that doesn't mean they will start all over editing my manuscript. Originally he said it needed a lot of editing, punctuation, etc. I HATE PUNCTUATION!! Of course I do and that's the reason for hiring editors.
Once again he said the book will be out in the fall. Fall is October/November, right? I can hardly wait. I'm praying for a mild winter so I can get out and about, book signings and all the glorious things that come after the book is in the stores. A girl can dream, can't she?
If you're reading my blog I hope you will mark your calendar and check your local book store for THE HAT PIN MURDERS, A Red Hat Mystery by Joyce Caudel and Published by Gray Dog Press.


  1. Congradulations Aunt Joyce! I will look for your book keep me posted on the date. I would love a personal sigining too. Love Rachelle

  2. Hi Joyce, I saw you on facebook and followed you to your blog. Congratulations on your writing. I like to write also, but I am so wordy, ha. You may remember me from my days at CCC when my name was Esther Bates. I wish you the best. Esther Lebeck Loveridge - 21 years and counting.
