Saturday, October 22, 2011

It's Saturday morning and gray and gloomy outside, but as far as I'm concerned it's a beautiful day inside. I have nothing scheduled for today so I'm planning to do some writing. I had to take my desk top computer to Staples yesterday, thank God I have a lap top and do my writing on it. This was a fun week for me. My Red Hat ladies, THE NOBLE BABES IN RED HATS went for a tour of the Cathedral of St John the Evangelist, in Spokane. We had a very informative tour guide by the name of Beth Moore. Beth is 80 years old and just full of fun. The Cathedral is breathtakingly beautiful and worth the time we spent there. After the tour we had lunch at Applebees on 29th on the South Hill, where the manager gave all 10 of us free dessert of a brownie with ice cream. Yum! Seems I had more than my share of desserts this week. I won a dessert, another brownie, at DESSERT PALS in Cheney. They are featuring my book,THE HAT PIN MURDERS, and sold 2 books. They will give a free dessert to the person that buys one. Saturday, December 3rd I will be signing my books at the Cheney High School, Arts and Craft sale. My son, Mark, does some incredable crocheting of hats and scarves, etc. will be sharing the booth with me. It is time to start thinking about those special Christmas gifts. I think I had better blog off and do some real writing, I'd like for my Christmas gift to myself to be a finished manuscript.

Monday, October 17, 2011

I'm Back....

Good morning and happy October.
I'm back after a visit with my mother and other family members. When I left Cheney, WA it was 92 degrees and 102 in Sacramento, CA. I remember when I was a kid that Sacramento was always execessively hot in September so I went prepared. What I didn't remember was that the first week in October turns windy and rainey. Atleast it did this year.
My mother, is such an inspiration and just a beautiful woman. No, seriously! she is 98 years old and has this thick white hair, short and styled beautifully. I love the way she plants her glasses on the top of her head. When I do that they always seem to either slide down or they irritate me so I can't stand them, any way I wear mine all the time. Last time I visited she was always leaving hers some place and looking for them, so she has finally found the solution for a place to leave her glasses when she isn't reading. Yes, she reads! She has a stack of her favorite books next to the rocking chair that is her nesting place most of the day. She reads the newspaper, her Bible and 4 or 5 others, among them THE HAT PIN MURDERS by Joyce Caudel. Yes, that is me her daughter, she likes to remind me that it is dedicated to her, Natalie Scaggs, the best mother a girl could have. That is a true statement! My mother has served the Lord Jesus Christ all her life and taught me to do the same. I feel so blessed to have been grounded in the Christian Faith since I was a child. Even though I strayed from it in my youth I always knew that God was with me and I came to that day when I truely made a commetment to serve Him. What a blessing to have a mother that prays for her children and loves them unconditionally.
My cousins, Kathy, Patty and Mary Ann drove up from Visalia, Fresno and Madara for a short visit. Patty and Kathy are my double cousins. Let me explain, their father and my mother are brother and sister. Their mother and my father are brother and sister. It's as simple as that. We all 4 went to Fairfield for a short visit with our Aunt Sally and her son, Roger. We picked up burgers (IN AND OUT BURGERS, which we do not have here in Spokane), they are Aunt Sallys favorite meal, at 91 she is still the fun lady I always remember. How to live a long life? Be an inspiration and pass your love around. Of course I had mailed my book to her when it was first published, she said she couldn't believe that I had written a book. (I can't either) She was sure happy and surprised when she received it.
A visit from (my other daughter,) Erin and her son Matthew, surely blessed us all. Erin makes necklace scarves, beautifully croched scarves that she passes out to everyone she meets. She also sells them to help her sons sports team with uniforms or what ever is needed. Erin can be reached at - She gave me a dozen to sell and to use the money to help with Natalie's ballet lessons. The scarves sell for $20 and I can mail you one, contact me on Face Book. Natalie is my granddaughter living in New Zealand, but will come here, with her mother, after Christmas to join my son, Mark and grandson Matthew that are already living here. Long story but the devistating earthquake in NZ hastened their move to America. So Mark and Matthew came in August so Matthew could start high school and Ingrid and Natalie stayed in NZ so Natalie could finish out her elementary grade and continue her ballet. I'm sure they will spend Christmas with friends and family there, we will surely miss having them with us for that celebration.
The only down side to my visit in California was that my nephew, Vernon passed away suddenly while I was there, but I'm blessed to have had a good visit with him just the evening before he passed. Prayers for his family would be appreciated.
It is so nice to be back at my desk typing away, I have been filling your eyes with so many of my thoughts, but there is so much to talk about and a Blog is the place to do it. I've been asked if I'm working on a second book? Yes! I'll close this Blog and get to it.