Tuesday, October 9, 2012

 Yesterday evening I attended the Inland Northwest Christian Writers Group. I believe a writing group is a real must for any of us who are interested in doing some serious writing. There are many groups  out there and if you are just beginning your writing or if you've been published many times, I hope you will find a writing group that suits you. Beginners need the help that experienced writers can offer and experienced writers can find a great deal of satisfaction from helping those of us that haven't been around very long.
  I'm working on my second novel and I need all the help I can get. I try to give what little advise I can to those that are even less experienced than I.  Many thanks to all of you that have offered your knowledge and experience to me. The Spokane area is rich with many talented authors. I'd love to add a little more to this Blog but I've got to paint my nails so they will dry before bed time. So good night all you bloggers. Sweet dreams.