Sunday, April 10, 2011


It's been a while since I wrote on my Blog. I've had a lousy flu type cold that seems to hang on with an annoying cough. Had to take a bottle of water to church with me this morning, also cough drops and Kleenex. So much for that.
Yesterday I went to Hastings Book Store to do a signing. They had 15 books at a table covered with a dark green cloth and a chair for me to sit on. I brought a packet of (100) bookmarks that my publisher makes for me. People love to get something free so I gave out probably 50 of the bookmarks, thanks to Gray Dog Press. Several people came back and bought a book because they walked around the store reading the book mark. Good marketing tool.
My dear daughter, Laura, took off her ring to wash her hands in the ladies room at the grocery store. You know the story, she forgot it, just an hour later she called the store to have them check and of course there was no ring in the ladies room or in the lost and found. Moral of the story? Don't wash your hands before leaving the rest room.
I'm pretty excited that next Saturday I'll be reading and signing my book at the Women's Show at the Convention Center in Spokane. There are 11 authors that were chosen to appear in the Author's Corner. The whole thing is about the Race for the Cure, Breast Cancer. Which brings me to tell about my granddaughter, Amber. She designed some RIBBON jewlery that is just beautiful. So while I'm doing my reading and signing I will be wearing PINK RIBBON EARRINGS, BROACH AND NECKLACE,designed by Amber Wentz. Thank you Amber. The jewlery will be avalible for purchase sometime after April 15th at then go to the Breast Cancer Site. Amber is earning some money for her college tuition.
Other than the above my life is pretty quiet. I am working on my next book. It will have most of the same characters as the first book and a few new ones. I'm not real sure where I'm going with this one but I'm praying for devine inspiration and that it will be as good or better that THE HAT PIN MURDERS. Thank you all for your incouragement!!
So until it's BLOG time again, God bless us every one.

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