Saturday, May 16, 2015

Graduation time is here.

     I am so blessed and so proud. When those precious little ones come into your life you never know what life will bring to them. I'm a great-grandmother, the only problem is they all live far away but I get to see their pictures on Face Book every day. When these little ones are born we just know they are going to achieve great things. Nothing is impossible in America.
     My grandson Dan drove all night from Utah to give his presentation for his Masters Degree at Eastern Washington University. He was pretty nervous about it but when it was over he received good comments from the committee that interviewed him. I was happy to be able to spend a few hours with him. He will be driving back to Utah where his 2 girls and his wife are anxiously waiting another baby girl to be delivered any minute.
     I'll be driving to Oregon next month to watch my grandson, Matthew graduate from high school and I'll spend some time with the family celebrating as this young man heads out there to make his mark in the world.
     My granddaughter, Jenny has 3 boys, the youngest Jesse is graduating from high school. In the middle is Daniel. Daniel is graduating from the University of La Vern in California, with a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and a Bachelor of Science in Physics. From the same University, the oldest Nicholas will be graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Criminology.
     Grandchildren come into our lives to love and brag about while their parents do all the hard work. I just feel so proud and so blessed to have children that have done such a great job so I can beam with pride. So please humor me when I start telling you of all the wonderful things MY kids are doing because they are the most beautiful and handsome and smartest and talented people on the planet.


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