Saturday, October 26, 2013


It's all about the book. That's what I heard today at a book signing I was part of. There were about 20 authors at the Hastings Book Store on the South Hill, in Spokane, WA. As book store customers stopped by to chat, they wanted to know about the books we wrote. I was able to talk to some authors I've known for a while and met some for the first time. In every case the talk was about the book, the one we had published and were hoping to sign and sell or the one we were working on and even the one we were dreaming about and hoping to write. Yes, authors think about writing, we dream about writing. The subject of our books vary. My books are cozy mysteries, cozy murder mysteries. Therefore I think and dream and write about murder.

I have to confess! I have committed murder! Yes, I am a serial killer. My first murder was a little Red Hat Lady, I killed her with her hat pin. Killing her was a mistake, so I tried to kill again. You can read about it in my book: THE HAT PIN MURDERS.  After that I swore I'd never kill anyone unless they deserved it. Of course in a murder mystery somebody has to get murdered. 

In my second book, THE HAT BOX MYSTERY, it's only the bad guys that get killed. Yes, I confess I have committed murder, but only on the pages of my novels that I call THE HAT MURDER SERIES. All my books are about a bunch of Red Hat Ladies doing what we do best, that's having fun, that is all except the part about murder.

I have already planned another murder, I'll be writing about it in my third book, A HAT TO DIE FOR. So you see it is all about the book.

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