Monday, March 28, 2016

snow dog days

We had 2 inches of snow this morning! About 4:30 a.m. my dog Jake woke me, he wanted to go outside. He was panting like he was having a panic attack. That usually means he wants to go potty. So I ignored him for about a half hour until I couldn't stand it any more. So up I got and put the leash on him and let him out, sure enough he had to go. I padded out in the snow with my poop bag and took care of his business. By this time he was laying in the snow looking around like it was a beautiful spring day. I decided to leave him there and went inside and made myself a cup a coffee. Of course all this time it is still snowing. I finally made him come inside when he started barking at some quail that were running for the bird seed a neighbor puts out every day. The sun came out this afternoon and there is no evidence it ever snowed!! I've been reading some childrens books for a project I'm working on. Seems I signed up to talk about childrens books at one of my writing groups. Well I think I bite off a little more that I can chew, maybe. So I've been reading this Chapter book for early readers. I laughed until my sides hurt. I didn't realize what fun it is to read kids books. You might want to try it some time. I got this book at the public library,CLEMENTINE by Sara Pennypacker. I've been thinking about writing books for children and have some stories that I think might do well. Any way I'll be talking about writing children's books at the next SASP meeting, that's Spokane Authors and Self Publishers, on Thursday, April 7th at 2 p.m. I'll let you know how it goes on my next Blog post.

1 comment:

  1. Spring in Cheney, ya just never know what will happen, Glad Jake likes it !!
