Thursday, December 22, 2011

It's almost Christmas

It's almost Christmas. I did my shopping the easy way, gift cards. Yes, I love to get them and they are so easy and I'm sure everyone loves getting them. What can you get for teen-agers? Unless they tell you of something specific that they want, cash or a gift card seems to go over well.
Last year everyone got one of my books. It just came out in time for Christmas and I was so excited about having it in print, I was just busting my buttons. This year not doing so well. Yes, I'm working on the 2nd book and it is going pretty well, but I have a long way to go.
My son Mark set up a new web-site for me and I'm so proud of him, he did a beautiful job. As I have more information he will post it and I hope you all will check it out every now and then for the updates.
Our family will be celebrating Christmas with two dinners, one on Friday evening then another on Sunday after church. I'm pretty excited to be able to go to church on Christmas morning, it doesn't happen very often. We have three little children that will be opening gifts on Friday evening and they are the only ones that I actually shopped for. That was a lot of fun and I actually found what I went looking for.
My daughter-in-law, Ingrid, and my granddaughter, Natalie, will be arriving from New Zealand around the middle of January. I'm so excited, it has been too long since I've seen them and my son, Mark is even more excited since the family has been seperated for almost six months. Mark and Matthew came in August so Matthew could start his Freshman year at Cheney High School, but Natalie wanted to finish her Elementary school in New Zealand. So that is why the family has been seperated all these months. It will be a joyful New Year for them to be reunited and for the rest of us to have our family complete. With two more major earth quakes in Christchurch, NZ today, there arrival in the USA won't come any too soon.
For all of you bloggers out there, I want to wish you a very Blessed Christmas and a New Year with all the love, health and happiness you are hoping for. God bless us everyone.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

It's almost December.

It's almost December and I can't imagine where the year has gone. Yes, we always say that when what we really mean is we didn't get all those things done that we wanted to get done. I know I spend a lot of time planning what I want to do and then get side tracked. So my project now is to decorate the Christmas tree, yes it is a fake tree, since I am really, really allergic to pine. I got the tree put up and the bottom half has lights on it. I bought lights today, Bi Mart in Cheney has a real good price on them. Since I had an appointment with my publisher to pick up some books for my signing on Saturday, I decided to check out the new Ross store on the South Hill in Spokiane and the new Trader Joe's. I also went to Hastings Book Store and sold back some of my books to them and bought another one, THE BISHOP by Steven James, I've read several of his books and then put them in our church library. Since I am an award winning 'Finalist' in the USA 'Best Books 2011' awards contest, my publisher printed up 100 book marks with the award sticker on them and he also printed some one page sheets and added the mention of the award on them. He always does nice things like that and doesn't charge me for them, he says it is good advertisement. Well it is 12:03 a.m. and I'm off to bed. Good night to you all.

Monday, November 21, 2011

It's almost Thanksgiving.

It's almost Thanksgiving! I just feel so blessed and this is the time to think about those blessings and give thanks for them. I just took 3 pumpkin pies out of the oven. The house is warm and smells heavenly. We will be celebrating the Day with famly and friends. My daughter-in-law says a 22 or 23 pound turkey should feed us all. I hope there will be some left over. Oh yes, I do not have to cook the turkey, she is doing all of that. That is really something to be thankful for.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Does your dog snore?  My dog, Jake, has gone back to bed this morning and is snoring away!  Yes it's cute and a little annoying.

Good morning bloggers. I'm on my second cup of coffee this morning so the cob webs have lifted and I'm ready to do some serious writing. Last night I attended a meeting of Authors4Authors and I'm always energized after one of those meetings.  New ideas are flooding my mind for my next book.  As usual I'm a little bewildered how to bring it all together.  I really need to get this one finished by the end of the year.

Oh yes, if you haven't heard, my book THE HAT PIN MURDERS was a finalist in the USA "Best Books 2011" Awards.  You can go to and find it there.  I'm pretty excited about it.  Now I need to get busy on my next best seller.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

It's Saturday morning and gray and gloomy outside, but as far as I'm concerned it's a beautiful day inside. I have nothing scheduled for today so I'm planning to do some writing. I had to take my desk top computer to Staples yesterday, thank God I have a lap top and do my writing on it. This was a fun week for me. My Red Hat ladies, THE NOBLE BABES IN RED HATS went for a tour of the Cathedral of St John the Evangelist, in Spokane. We had a very informative tour guide by the name of Beth Moore. Beth is 80 years old and just full of fun. The Cathedral is breathtakingly beautiful and worth the time we spent there. After the tour we had lunch at Applebees on 29th on the South Hill, where the manager gave all 10 of us free dessert of a brownie with ice cream. Yum! Seems I had more than my share of desserts this week. I won a dessert, another brownie, at DESSERT PALS in Cheney. They are featuring my book,THE HAT PIN MURDERS, and sold 2 books. They will give a free dessert to the person that buys one. Saturday, December 3rd I will be signing my books at the Cheney High School, Arts and Craft sale. My son, Mark, does some incredable crocheting of hats and scarves, etc. will be sharing the booth with me. It is time to start thinking about those special Christmas gifts. I think I had better blog off and do some real writing, I'd like for my Christmas gift to myself to be a finished manuscript.

Monday, October 17, 2011

I'm Back....

Good morning and happy October.
I'm back after a visit with my mother and other family members. When I left Cheney, WA it was 92 degrees and 102 in Sacramento, CA. I remember when I was a kid that Sacramento was always execessively hot in September so I went prepared. What I didn't remember was that the first week in October turns windy and rainey. Atleast it did this year.
My mother, is such an inspiration and just a beautiful woman. No, seriously! she is 98 years old and has this thick white hair, short and styled beautifully. I love the way she plants her glasses on the top of her head. When I do that they always seem to either slide down or they irritate me so I can't stand them, any way I wear mine all the time. Last time I visited she was always leaving hers some place and looking for them, so she has finally found the solution for a place to leave her glasses when she isn't reading. Yes, she reads! She has a stack of her favorite books next to the rocking chair that is her nesting place most of the day. She reads the newspaper, her Bible and 4 or 5 others, among them THE HAT PIN MURDERS by Joyce Caudel. Yes, that is me her daughter, she likes to remind me that it is dedicated to her, Natalie Scaggs, the best mother a girl could have. That is a true statement! My mother has served the Lord Jesus Christ all her life and taught me to do the same. I feel so blessed to have been grounded in the Christian Faith since I was a child. Even though I strayed from it in my youth I always knew that God was with me and I came to that day when I truely made a commetment to serve Him. What a blessing to have a mother that prays for her children and loves them unconditionally.
My cousins, Kathy, Patty and Mary Ann drove up from Visalia, Fresno and Madara for a short visit. Patty and Kathy are my double cousins. Let me explain, their father and my mother are brother and sister. Their mother and my father are brother and sister. It's as simple as that. We all 4 went to Fairfield for a short visit with our Aunt Sally and her son, Roger. We picked up burgers (IN AND OUT BURGERS, which we do not have here in Spokane), they are Aunt Sallys favorite meal, at 91 she is still the fun lady I always remember. How to live a long life? Be an inspiration and pass your love around. Of course I had mailed my book to her when it was first published, she said she couldn't believe that I had written a book. (I can't either) She was sure happy and surprised when she received it.
A visit from (my other daughter,) Erin and her son Matthew, surely blessed us all. Erin makes necklace scarves, beautifully croched scarves that she passes out to everyone she meets. She also sells them to help her sons sports team with uniforms or what ever is needed. Erin can be reached at - She gave me a dozen to sell and to use the money to help with Natalie's ballet lessons. The scarves sell for $20 and I can mail you one, contact me on Face Book. Natalie is my granddaughter living in New Zealand, but will come here, with her mother, after Christmas to join my son, Mark and grandson Matthew that are already living here. Long story but the devistating earthquake in NZ hastened their move to America. So Mark and Matthew came in August so Matthew could start high school and Ingrid and Natalie stayed in NZ so Natalie could finish out her elementary grade and continue her ballet. I'm sure they will spend Christmas with friends and family there, we will surely miss having them with us for that celebration.
The only down side to my visit in California was that my nephew, Vernon passed away suddenly while I was there, but I'm blessed to have had a good visit with him just the evening before he passed. Prayers for his family would be appreciated.
It is so nice to be back at my desk typing away, I have been filling your eyes with so many of my thoughts, but there is so much to talk about and a Blog is the place to do it. I've been asked if I'm working on a second book? Yes! I'll close this Blog and get to it.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Just another summer time blog.

It's time to post another note to my blog. It's still summer here in Cheney, WA. I'm excited about the coming weekend, I will be attending the Spokane Red Hat Convergence at the Double Tree Hotel. I will also have a booth to sign and sell my novel THE HAT PIN MURDERS.

I have had such good feed back from my readers that I'm encouraged to work on my next book. The Red Hat Ladies are busy solving another crime against one of their own. Many of the same characters will be there and I've added a few new ones.
I hope that all of you that bought and read my first novel will purchase and read the next one.

I will be heading to Sacramento, CA to visit my mother and celebrate her 98th birthday. If her long and healthy life is any indication of my own, I should be able to finish off a whole series of mysteries. I thank God for all His blessings and the wonderful friends I've made along the way.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Blogging again

Hello Bloggers,
I guess I'm a little behind on my blog. It's 4 1/2 weeks after my total hip replacement surgery. Everyone tells me I'm doing well, but it seems a little slow to me. The worse thing is bending over, I painted my toe nails the other day and got as much on my toes as on the nails. It's a real stretch.
I joined a group of GrayDogPress authors the other evening to discuss some new marketing plans. As you must know after a book is out the first few months sales will be pretty good, but after that sales really drop off. We have to find new markets for our books. This is a very time consuming effort and takes away time I would like to be devoting to writing my next novel.
Speaking of novel number 2, I've been doing pretty well with everything but who will commit the murder. yes, there has to be a murder. I pretty much had it figured out and got into some good dialogue, of course I save everything on a flash-drive. Well, the problem was apparently I didn't save this last chapter that I was working on. Yesterday I searched and searched to no avail. It was a good piece of work. So I'll get back to my lap top, plug in the flash-drive and write another chapter.
My son and grandson are finally here from New Zealand. Matthew has a few more weeks before he has to start school. My granddaughters will be leaving next week to go to college at Biola U. in So. California. I will sure miss them but so happy to have Mark and Matthew here. My daughter-in-law and granddaughter will come after Christmas. Life is good here in Cheney, Washington.

Monday, June 27, 2011


Hello Bloggers,
As I was trying to fall asleep last night, I was also trying to think about my next book and where I am going with it. As with the first one, THE HAT PIN MURDERS,I had a difficult time wrapping my mind around the mind of the murderer. So I went with the really bad guys, the Mifia. I can't go that way again, so I thought perhaps I'd check out how to make a pipe bomb on the internet, how about putting a pipe bomb in a hat box and call the book THE HAT BOX MURDER. But then I'd have to call in the bomb squad and on and on. But, as I was brain storming in my twilight sleep minutes, I thought about the boa that all of us Red Hat ladies love to wear. So I decided as I drifted off to sleep that I'd put a boa in a hat box, and it may not be all feathers.
Back to real life: I'll be having hip replacement surgery on Monday, July 11. I hope that after I recover from the drugs I'll have some time to write, or atleast enjoy some summer sun, finally! I've been making casseroles and putting them into the freezer so George will have something to eat while I'm laid up, as George does not cook.
I will have a booth at Cheney Jublee in Cheney, WA Saturday, July 9th and Sunday July 10th. I'll be signing my book, THE HAT PIN MURDERS. I hope to see some of you there. Come and enter to win a gift bag which will have one of my books in it as well as some other goodies, like chocolate! All the fun of the week end will keep my mind off the surgery the very next morning. HaHa

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Joyce's Little Blog: Summer has arrived in Cheney, finally!

Joyce's Little Blog: Summer has arrived in Cheney, finally!: "Summer finally arrived in Cheney, WA. Yes, we thought it would never come but at 1 p.m. it is 86 degrees. Happy summer days, my granddaught..."

Summer has arrived in Cheney, finally!

Summer finally arrived in Cheney, WA. Yes, we thought it would never come but at
1 p.m. it is 86 degrees. Happy summer days, my granddaughters are pulling weeds out of my strawberry patch and of course their reward will be that they can harvest the barry's. yum!

Last Saturday I had a booth at Founders Day in Medical Lake. Since the day before had been nice and warm I expected another warm day and only wore a light jacket. There was a wonderful croud that came out to watch the parade and the 3 on 3 basket ball games. By noon it was really cold and by 2 p.m. it was pouring rain. My son and daughter in law came to my rescue and took my gazabo down and loaded up my stuff. I climbed into the truck and said "turn up the heater". All in all it was a great day, I signed and sold 5 of my books, THE HAT PIN MURDERS. I met some really nice people and saw a few old friends that I hadn't seen in a long time. If only I had thought to wear my parka and Uggs. Now that is all behind me and I'm nice and warm I've been encouraged to do some writing. I'm working on my next Red Hat Mystery.

My next adventure is to have my right hip replaced. I will see my doctor tomorrow for my pre-op appointment. Then will schedule the surgery. I should have plenty of time to work on my novel while I'm recovering. Sounds like fun, huh?

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

What a Beautiful Day

'Oh what a beautiful mornin, Oh what a beautiful day, I've got a beautiful feelin, everythings goin my way.' Yeah!!
George, my husband, and Robert, my son are out side digging out our dead rose bushes and planting some new ones. One of the roses was like a tree so Rob had to get out his wench and his come-along but with a little muscle out it came. I took pictures so I will try to put them on FB. Notice I said try.
I just returned from Gray Dog Press, my publisher. They made 2 lovely posters for me with my picture and a picture of my book and of course a nice blurb about me and the book. It will be a great tool to have for my next events.
Russ my publisher seemed very pleased that there have been quite a few sales of my e-book. So that really made my day. Yes it has been a beautiful day.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

David Wilkerson, Man of God.

David Wilkerson, founder of Teen Challenge has died. For twelve years I served our local Teen Challenge Men's Center as Ladies Auxiliary Predident. During those 12 years I witnessed many miricals in the lives of men that were being destroyed by alchole and drugs.

In 1959 David Wilkerson answered God's call to go into the gang infested streets of New York and Teen Challenge was born. If you are not familiar with Teen Challenge or the ministry of this great man, go to the public library or your local book store and get a copy of THE CROSS AND THE SWITCH BLADE, it just might change your life too.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Doggie play days and Red Hat birthday parties.

Today looks like we may have spring after all, the sun is in and out but so far we haven't had any rain. It's a good thing because we are boarding Snookey, a little Scotty. Her lady (Kim)has to spend a few days in the hospital. Our dog Jake is just thrilled to have her here. They have been running non stop since Snookey arrived. Our back yard is finced and the lawn is lush and green so they are both very happy. Jake has become very finicky about his food and I'll have to admit it is my fault because I started out feeding him by hand and now he thinks that's the way it is supposed to be. I'm hoping since snookey is a good eater that maybe she will convence Jake to start eating again. If you have a minute you might say a little prayer for Kim, Snookey's lady. She is in her 4th year after a liver transplant, she had her yearly check up and everything seemed to be fine, but the last few days she has been in great pain. She lives in fear that any time her body may reject the liver.

Tomorrow is my birthday! I am hopeful for a good year, I plan to write another book, which I'm working on now. I would love to have it done by my next birthday (2012). Speaking of birthdays, the Red Hat Society's 13th birthday was celebrated in high style at the Northtown Mall in Spokane, WA on Monday evening. Since my birthday is in the same month, I was able to wear my purple hat. There were a few others that wore purple hats also and we all congratulated each other with best wishes. As I was looking at my Face Book, I see that the Red Hat's celebrated all over the country. Lots of good wishes all around.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Joyce's Little Blog: Red Hat Society?

Joyce's Little Blog: Red Hat Society?: "I'm a little dissapointed that the Red Hat Society has not responded to my publishers request to feature my book THE HAT PIN MURDERS on The ..."

Red Hat Society?

I'm a little dissapointed that the Red Hat Society has not responded to my publishers request to feature my book THE HAT PIN MURDERS on The Red Hat Society Store Site. After all I've been a member of the society since 2002. My book does a lot to praise the RHS and I've always been a big supporter.

If any of you Red Hatters out there feel so enclined to help me, your RH sister promote my book, feel free. I'm in the thinking mode about my next book. Should I continue with the Red Hat theme or should I not? Any input from those of you that have read the book will be appreciated.

I'll be appearing at the Spokane Women's Show this Saturday morning 10:30 a.m. in the Author's Corner. I'm hoping for a good turnout not only to cheer me on but to promote BREAST CANCER awareness. And yes, I will be wearing my red hat.

Sunday, April 10, 2011


It's been a while since I wrote on my Blog. I've had a lousy flu type cold that seems to hang on with an annoying cough. Had to take a bottle of water to church with me this morning, also cough drops and Kleenex. So much for that.
Yesterday I went to Hastings Book Store to do a signing. They had 15 books at a table covered with a dark green cloth and a chair for me to sit on. I brought a packet of (100) bookmarks that my publisher makes for me. People love to get something free so I gave out probably 50 of the bookmarks, thanks to Gray Dog Press. Several people came back and bought a book because they walked around the store reading the book mark. Good marketing tool.
My dear daughter, Laura, took off her ring to wash her hands in the ladies room at the grocery store. You know the story, she forgot it, just an hour later she called the store to have them check and of course there was no ring in the ladies room or in the lost and found. Moral of the story? Don't wash your hands before leaving the rest room.
I'm pretty excited that next Saturday I'll be reading and signing my book at the Women's Show at the Convention Center in Spokane. There are 11 authors that were chosen to appear in the Author's Corner. The whole thing is about the Race for the Cure, Breast Cancer. Which brings me to tell about my granddaughter, Amber. She designed some RIBBON jewlery that is just beautiful. So while I'm doing my reading and signing I will be wearing PINK RIBBON EARRINGS, BROACH AND NECKLACE,designed by Amber Wentz. Thank you Amber. The jewlery will be avalible for purchase sometime after April 15th at then go to the Breast Cancer Site. Amber is earning some money for her college tuition.
Other than the above my life is pretty quiet. I am working on my next book. It will have most of the same characters as the first book and a few new ones. I'm not real sure where I'm going with this one but I'm praying for devine inspiration and that it will be as good or better that THE HAT PIN MURDERS. Thank you all for your incouragement!!
So until it's BLOG time again, God bless us every one.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Wish I Could!

I met with our tax man yesterday, although I didn't sell many books in 2010 there were still a lot of things I didn't think about. So in 2011 I have to start keeping better records. Yeow!!
I got an e-mail from my publisher, there is a mystery bookstore in Pennsylvania that wants to carry my book. Sometime next month they are having some kind of special thing and are going to give away a gift basket. My book is the one that is to be featured and is also going to be the headliner in the advertising they are doing for the event. They would like me to come there for an appearance. Sadly I live in Cheney, WA, for me a world away. She indicated that she will be ordering a pretty good number of books to have on hand during the week the event happens.
I am just over whelmed that people are loving my book. Is this a God thing?
Well getting back to the real world, I have to finish vacuuming the floor and my dog needs to go to the vet for his rabies shot.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

I love Saturday Mornings!

Good Morning Bloggers, It's a beautiful Saturday morning. The sun is shinning and I don't feel the earth shaking. I thank God for that. I finally got my first cup of coffee and I really love that first cup in the morning. Saturday morning is when I take my once a week pill for my bones. You know 'make sure you can sit or stand for 30 minutes'. Take the pill with a full glass of water and wait 30 minutes before having my coffee. I called my son in New Zealand last night at 9:30 p.m. Friday,our time, so it was 6:30 p.m. Saturday, their time. I was delighted when Matthew answered the phone. What a gracious young man, and his voice is getting a little deeper, guess that means he's growing up. I also talked to Natalie,what a delight. Mark and Ing seemed fine and they all seemed to be handling the miseries of after quake life very well. With all their inconveniences they feel fortunant after seeing the devistation in Japan. Matthew and Natalie will be going back to school this week. Ing has been able to work at her two part time jobs. Mark really needs a full time job, he doesn't think he will be able to do any teaching since so many of the schools have been damaged. I'm praying for a job for him here in America, of course thats a mothers prayer. It would take a miracle but God performs miracles all the time. Speaking of miracles, all the wonderful things that have happened with my book is nothing short of a miracle. Now I'm praying for the strength to do what I need to do to promote the book. The cortizone shot in my hip has certainly helped but they say that is a temparary fix. Well God has taken me this far so I'm sure he will see me through to the end. Does that mean I will be writing another book, Yes, of course but will it be good enough to get it published?

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Betwix and Between is the prompt for writing class this week. Well that's where I'm at right now. Betwixt and between a rock and a hard place, the devil and the deep blue sea? Yes, just when you think life has handed you a plate full there is a horrible earth quake in New Zealand. The phone lines are down and you can't get through to family. Pray! Of course, why didn't I think of that,I can always pray!
Well Bloggers, my son, Mark and his family are safe in New Zealand. I have an appointment to get the staples out of my hip and hopefully get the final results of my bone biopsy. We are supposed to have a big snow storm today but so far this morning the sun is shinning. Who knows what the day will bring.

Sunday, February 20, 2011


Joyce's Little Blog: BOOK SIGNINGS CAN BE FUN: "Book signings can be fun especially if the book store makes you feel welcome. That is exactly what Hastings book store did on Saturday. Th..."


Book signings can be fun especially if the book store makes you feel welcome. That is exactly what Hastings book store did on Saturday. They had a table set up with 9 books on it, I saw it as soon as I walked in. Everyone was so nice and they even gave me a free drink of any thing from their coffee shop. Since I only drink my coffee regular and black they gave me as many refills as I wanted. A few of my friends came by to say hello and encourage me. Several people stopped to look at the back of the book and thought it looked interesting. I signed 3 books and sold them,I was so happy that at 3 p.m. I could leave the store feeling good about the time I spent at Hastings. Best of all when I walked over to the Mystery section to peruse the books, five more copies of THE HAT PIN MURDERS by Joyce Caudel were sitting proudly on the shelf.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Life Goes On

Here I am again. I had the bone biopsy on Tuesday 2/8/11. No big deal, They gave me lots of pain meds and I was in a deep sleep during the whole thing. When I woke up I felt fine and was able to go home same day. Lots of sleeping Tuesdsay afternoon and most of the day Wednesday. I have this huge black and blue and other colors on my hip as a result of the biopsy. I'm a little stiff but not much to complain about. I won't have the results until the first of the week. So until then life goes on. I'm going to be speaking to our church seniors group on Tuesday, 2/15. Then of course I'll be doing the book signings at the Hastings stores. I'm excited about that. On Wednesday 2/9/11, the attorney from the Red Hat Society called and spoke to my publisher, Russ Davis at Gray Dog Press and told him that my book has the blessing of the RHS and soon he will get the logo and the statement to print on the cover of the book. Yes!!! So now I'm working on some ideas for another book. With a lot of hard work and God's blessing I will have another book for you all to read. Mean while, life goes on here in Cheney, the best kept secret in the state of Washington.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Book Signings at Hastings

I'm scheduled to do 4 book signings at the Hastings Book stores:
Sat. 2/19/11, 12 noon - 3 p.m. at the Shadle Hastings, 1704 Wellesley, Spokane
Sat. 2/26/11, 12 noon - 3 p.m. at Hastings 15312 E. Sprague Ave. Spokane
Sat. 3/5/11, 2 - 5 p.m. Hastings in Coeur d' Alene, ID
Sat. 4/9/11, 12 noon - 3 p.m. Hastings at 29th & SE Blvd, Spokane
Wow, this sounds like fun. Book stores are just about my favorite place to spend a Saturday afternoon. Sounds like those R.H. ladies in my book THE HAT PIN MURDERS. You remember they go to Barns and Noble to pick out a book to read at their Mystery Mama's Book Club.
A not so fun thing is tomorrow morning I'll be going to Sacred Heart Hospital for a bone biopsy. My hip has been bothering me for months, to the point that I'm having a hard time walking. When going shopping at the mall is out of the ?. It's time to get serious. So the 3rd specialist finally decided to take some action. A bone biopsy, sounds serious.
I'm trying to get my head around my next book. I've got some ideas but they are sorta random, I'm hoping it all comes together soon. It's driving me crazy trying to bring the 5 or 6 ideas into one story.
I hope to see you at one or more of my signings. But when I hear the results of the biopsy I'll let you know.

Friday, February 4, 2011

A TIME FOR EVERYTHING, even waiting.

Yes, I am waiting. I'm waiting to see what the Red Hat Society has to say about my book. I really want their blessing for the books but it's been a while waiting for their legal department to let my publisher know their wishes. My book has been on hold until we hear from them. So if you have tried to order a book from Amazon or the publishers web site at and were told the book is out of print, it is simply on hold and will be back in print soon.

I'm waiting until Tuesday to find out what is the problem with my hip. It is really getting worse. Thursday, 2/3/11, I went to see my 3rd doctor and he will be doing a bone biopsy next Tuesday, 2/8/11. Hopefully that will give me some answers so I can get on with my life.

I am scheduled to talk at the seniors group at my church on Tuesday, 2/15/11 and for a book signing at Hastings in the Valley on the 26th. I'm praying all this will work out and I'll be able to get my mind around my next book.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Doctors and the Red Hat Society

I haven't been on my blog for a while. So much has happened the last couple of weeks I don't know where to begin. The signing at Aunties Book Store was fabulous, I was so thrilled that so many friend ande family turned out. The weather was not the best so everyone that came was really brave. Aunties sold all the books they had in stock and I signed everyone of them. So that was great. I was told today that they had ordered more and have some in stock.
The Red Hat Society has had me hanging for several weeks. I asked the publisher to send them 2 copies of the early release books and that was before Christmas. I guess they must have taken off some days for Christmas and then they went to London to be in the big New Years parade. After several phone calls and an e-mail or two I got a call back today that someone from the RHS would be calling the publisher today. I did not hear from anyone either the RHS or the publisher so It will be the waiting game for me.
Then of course there is still the problem with my hip,but the pain isn't in my hip, its in my groin and my back. So tomorrow I will see my 4th doctor. I've had MRI's, x-rays, blood tests so hopefully this doctor will be able to tell me something and will be able to do something to help me so I won't have to spend the rest of my life limping around with a walker.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Book Signing at Aunties

I took a short nap this afternoon so I could stay awake while watching the Zags play the San Francisco Dons. So far it's been a very close game.

I had my book signing at Aunties Book Store last night. It was so exciting for me, about 50 friends and family came out to support me and purchase a book from the store. They had 25 books on hand and sold them all, so several people were disappointed because they were not able to purchase a book.

The lady from the book store introduced me, she was surprised that so many people showed up, this was the most they have had for a signing. I just feel so blessed to have so many wonderful friends. Of course my family was there to support me. My husband, George, Daughter Laura and her daughters, Parris and Amber. They baked and served cookies and had a big vat of lemon water. My son Robert and Kim, Grandson Danny and Lauren and my great-granddaughter, Sawyer.

I signed all the books, writing a little personal note to each person. It was great fun.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Is it 2011 already ?

Is it 2011 already? I can't believe it and I haven't blogged for a long time. Well here I am now.
I will be signing books at LinDaBee's Diner in Medical Lake tomorrow morning at 10:30 a.m. Of course I'll be eating some of their wonderful food off the menu. So I may ask you to wait until I finish my french dip sandwich or their delicious tomato soup. Of course I don't want my coffee to get cold so bear with me, no matter what we will have a great time.
On Friday, January 21st, between 7 and 9 p.m. I'll be at Aunties Book Store in Spokane. We will have refreshments in the autorium upstairs, there is an elevator to take you up there unless you want to walk the stairs.
I'm pretty excited about both of these signings. If you are a Red Hat lady and plan to come, I hope you will wear your Red Hat.