Saturday, July 31, 2010

Thunder and Lightning

Our dog, Jake, woke me up at 4 a.m. this morning. He was barking non stop. I got up to see why and heard the thunder rolling and saw the lightning flashing. No wonder the little guy was freightened. I picked him up and soothed him and brought him to bed with me. He curled up next to my leg, his little heart was beating like crazy. The thunder and lightning continued to do it thing until we fell back to sleep. Up at 7 a.m. with gray skys over head, but soon we had a down pour of rain and hail mix, shortly after that the clouds moved on and it looks like a sunny day. As we say here in the Northwest, if you don't like the weather, no worries, it will change soon.

I hope you all have a beautiful day, I plan to.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

After much sweat and nail biting I finished my Dedication and Acknowledgement page. I sent it to my editor (e-mail). He thanked me for it so I guess it sounded okay to him. He said he hired a new editor, I hope that doesn't mean they will start all over editing my manuscript. Originally he said it needed a lot of editing, punctuation, etc. I HATE PUNCTUATION!! Of course I do and that's the reason for hiring editors.
Once again he said the book will be out in the fall. Fall is October/November, right? I can hardly wait. I'm praying for a mild winter so I can get out and about, book signings and all the glorious things that come after the book is in the stores. A girl can dream, can't she?
If you're reading my blog I hope you will mark your calendar and check your local book store for THE HAT PIN MURDERS, A Red Hat Mystery by Joyce Caudel and Published by Gray Dog Press.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

More Waiting

Yes, George is home and doing well. He is still using a walker and Home Care thropist come almost every day. But it is really amazing to see how he has progressed in the month that he has been home.
I was able to go over the publishers contract with the attorney on the phone. At least I didn't have to go to his office, but I'm sure his bill will be huge. I thought it would be much better to pay an attorney to know exactly what I was signing instead of having to have him get me out of a mess later. So I am ready to get started with my book, just waiting on the publisher. I guess I should sentd him an e-mail to see how things are progressing.
Mean while I'm trying to start my next mystery. I'm struggling. My first book, The Hat Pin Murders, came so easy. I had it all figured out in my mind, even though it took me almost 7 years to finish it. Well enough of this, I'd best get to my manuscript.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

George is home!

Yes, George is home from his long stay in the hospital. His stay at St. Luke's Rehab. for physical theropy did him a world of good. Today the Home Health Care nurse came to call. They will be here several times a week to help us out. Thank God! I've been overwhelmed with the thought of taking care of him alone. Well, I do have help from my son Robert and daughter Laura and her husband Brian. They all have been wonderful . Today Laura and Brian put a railing down the back steps to the patio so he will be able to go outside.

I have my book contract with my attorney. I'm hoping he will get it back to me with a good report so I don't have to hastle with the publisher. I'm really excited about the prospect of doing the cover. Right now there is a piece of coconut cream pie waiting for me.