Tuesday, May 25, 2010

My Publisher !

Dear Bloggers,
I'm happy to say I heard from the publisher and he said he is ready to publish my book. So now I guess I should call him 'my publisher'. At any rate on May 20, 2010 I received an e-mail from him saying he is looking at publishing it. Of course he said there is some work to do on it (typos, punctuation, etc.) well of course there is. I'm the first to admit that my punctuation skills are the worst. But the good news is his intent is to leave the storyline as it is. Hoorah!!!
Of course things never go well, now do they? My husband, George, is in the hospital. He had surgery on Wednesday and now his heart is acting up. I guess it's never a good time for surgery and you can't always plan things. So I will just go with the flow, spending time at the hospital and when the publisher calls I'll be ready.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Who reads blogs anyway?

Who reads blogs anyway? That is the question. I've been reading some and I'm not sure if the bloggers know I'm reading them, after all I didn't write them a note. I'm not sure is any one reads my blog since no one ever leaves me a message. So perhaps this is just a way for us bloggers to practice our writing or blogging. It's getting late and I'm not really in the mood for blogging so I'll quit because I don't have anything to say.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

Its Mother's Day and I had a very nice day. My mother is 96 years old. She is a beautiful lady, I don't get to see her very often since she lives in California. She has a house full of people there all the time. The last time I visited I had to sleep on a mattress on the floor in the living room. It was comfortable so I really can't complain and I'm not. My sister, Jane lives with Mom and takes really good care of her. Mom is an avid reader, I sent her 2 books for Mother's Day and I'm sure by not whe has finished both of them and is looking for more. I'm sure that is the reason her mind is still so sharp. What a blessing to have a Mother that is full of life at 96 year of age. Yes, I am truely blessed.

Happy Mother's Day to any one that happens to stumble on my little blog and reads it.